Pro Bono Refresher, Part II: Immigration Law, Medicaid and Asset Protection, and Family Law

September 22, 2018
10:45 AM  -  12:15 PM

Co-Hosted by the Pro Bono & Community Service Committee and the Government Service & Public Interest Committee

NY CLE: 1.5 Credits in Skills, Transitional/Non-Transitional

Program Chair: Pauline Yeung-Ha, Co-Chair, Pro Bono & Community Service Committee

Beatrice Leong, Associate, Parmet and Zhou LLC
Stephenie Yeh, Senior Associate, Grimaldi and Yeung LLP
Rachel Ji-Young Yoo, Of Counsel, Spiegel Leffler PLLC

Moderator: Pauline Yeung-Ha, Co-Chair, Pro Bono & Community Service Committee

This professional development course will focus on the common issues that volunteer AABANY members typically encounter at the AABANY Monthly Pro Bono Legal Advice & Referral Clinic that serves the low-income AAPI community. The Pro Bono Clinic is an exemplary vehicle through which AABANY has served our community and advance our profession. Through its Pro Bono & Community Service Committee, AABANY conducts these free legal advice clinics that simultaneously:

  • Provide substantive volunteer opportunities for AABANY members; and,
  • Promote social justice and equality in our community by providing access to legal advice to those who are from low-income Asian communities with limited English proficiency and by leveraging the expertise and language skills of AABANY’s membership

As the Pro Bono Clinic expands, the Clinic will need more volunteers. Attorneys can volunteer at the Clinic regardless of their field of practice and do not need expertise in a specific area of law. The goals of this course are specifically to educate attorneys in the areas of law that most frequently arise in the Pro Bono Clinic, thus enhancing the volunteers’ experience and helping them gain a rewarding experience in serving our community.