David Weinberg

Chief Executive Officer

Attorney David Weinberg is a nationally recognized litigation consultant. As chief executive officer of JURYGROUP, he helps law firms and businesses to define their audiences, design their image and deliver their message. Mr. Weinberg is the editor of Computer Animation in the Courtroom: A Primer, a multimedia publication of the American Bar Association. He is a frequent speaker at the American Academy of Forensic Science, former chairman of the Committee on the Use of Technologically Sophisticated Evidence for the American Bar Association’s Lawyer’s Conference, and former technology chair for the ABA Section of General Practice, Small Firm and Solo Practitioners. He has participated in historic trial reenactments for the National Asian and Pacific American Bar Association, the Federal Bar Council, the Inns of Court and the American Bar Association. Mr. Weinberg holds a BA from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a JD from DePaul University School of Law. He is licensed to practice in the State of Illinois and the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.


September 22, 2018
Public Speaking and Jury Consultant Workshop
2:15 PM  -  3:45 PM